Control Profiles

In the Control Profiles node, you may select whether the profiles (such as the temperature, pressure and/or the flows) are specified or optimized.

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Control Profiles

Control Profiles

Here, you may select if the variables are optimized or specified.

Specify Profile:
If a variable profile is specified, you will need to provide the Data Point (time if the reactor is batch or Volume/Catalyst if the reactor is PFR) series values of this profile in the Profiles Specify Node. The control profile is then fixed to the linear interpolation of these datapoint values. If one (or more) profile is selected as Specify, the final data point ( for example, total time for the batch reactor) is fixed to the Value loaded in the Design Values → Specifications tab.

When a variable profile is optimized, you may dynamically optimize the profiles within the lower and upper bounds provided in the Profile Bounds.

The variables for which neither Specify Profile nor Optimize is checked are treated as static optimization variables. They are optimized between the lower and upper bounds provided in the Design Values → Specifications tab, with a constant value throughout the integration horizon.

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